Schedule of Services February 2025
Saturday 22 February (9 February)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 2. 2nd Gospel, Mark 16:1-8
Sunday 23 February (10 February)
Sunday of the Last Judgment (Meatfare)
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: 1 Corinthians 8:8-9:2; Matthew 25:31-46
Schedule of Services March 2025
Saturday 1 March (16 February)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 3. 3rd Gospel, Mark 16:9-20
Sunday 2 March (17 February)
Sunday of Forgiveness (Cheesefare)
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Romans 13:11-14:4; Matthew 6:14-21
12:00 Vespers of Forgiveness
Monday 3 March (18 February)
7:00 Matins and First Hour. 10:00 Typica and Vespers
19:00 Great Compline with the Canon of St Andrew of Crete
Tuesday 4 March (19 February)
7:00 Matins and First Hour. 10:00 Typica and Vespers
19:00 Great Compline with the Canon of St Andrew of Crete
Wednesday 5 March (20 February)
7:00 Matins and First Hour. 10:00 Typica and Vespers
19:00 Great Compline with the Canon of St Andrew of Crete
Thursday 6 March (21 February)
19:00 Great Compline with the Canon of St Andrew of Crete
Friday 7 March (22 February)
18:00 Confession. 19:00 Presanctified Liturgy: Genesis 2:20-3:20, Proverbs 3:19-34
Saturday 8 March (23 February)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 4. 4th Gospel, Luke 24:1-12
Sunday 9 March (24 February)
1st Sunday of Great Lent, of Orthodoxy
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 11:24-26, 11:32-12:2; John 1:43-51
Wednesday 12 March (27 February)
18:00 Confession. 19:00 Presanctified Liturgy: Genesis 4:16-26, Proverbs 5:15-6:4
Saturday 15 March (2 March)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 5. 5th Gospel, Luke 24:12-35
Sunday 16 March (3 March)
2nd Sunday of Great Lent, Gregory Palamas
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 1:10-2:3; Mark 2:1-12
Wednesday 19 March (6 March)
18:00 Confession. 19:00 Presanctified Liturgy: Genesis 7:6-9, Proverbs 9:12-18
Saturday 22 March (9 March)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 6. 6the Gospel, Luke 24:36-53
Sunday 23 March (10 March)
3rd Sunday of Great Lent, of the Cross
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 4:14-5:6; Mark 8:34-9:1
Wednesday 25 March (13 March)
18:00 Confession. 19:00 Presanctified Liturgy: Genesis 9:18-10:1, Proverbs 12:23-13:9
Saturday 29 March (16 March)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 7. 7th Gospel, John 20:1-10
Sunday 30 March (17 March)
4th Sunday of Great Lent, of Saint John of the Ladder
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 6:13-20; Mark 9:17-31
Schedule of Services April 2025
Wednesday 2 April (20 March)
19:00 Matins with the Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete and the life of Saint Mary of Egypt
Saturday 5 April (23 March)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil: Tone 8. 8th Gospel, John 20:11-18
Sunday 6 April (24 March)
Fifth Sunday of the Great Lent, Saint Mary of Egypt
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 10:32-45
Monday 7 April (25 March)
Annunciation of the Most-holy Theotokos
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Hebrews 2:11-18, Luke 1:24-38
Wednesday 9 April (27 March)
18:00 Confession. 19:00 Service of Holy Unction
Saturday 12 April (30 March)
17:00 Panichida. 17:30 Vigil of Palm Sunday, Gospel, Matthew 21:1-11,15-17
Sunday 13 April (31 March)
The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Philippians 4:4-9; John 12:1-18
19:00 Matins of Great Monday
Monday 14 April (1 April)
19:00 Matins of Great Tuesday
Tuesday 15 April (2 April)
19:00 Matins of Great Wednesday
Wednesday 16 April (3 April)
19:00 Matins of Great Thursday
Thursday 17 April (4 April) Holy and Great Thursday
9:30 Vespers and Liturgy of Basil the Great
19:00 Matins of the Twelve Gospels
Friday 18 April (5 April) Holy and Great Friday
14:00 Vespers of descent of the Lord from the Cross
19:00 Matins of the Burial of the Lord
Saturday 19 April (6 April) Holy and Great Saturday
9:30 Vespers and Liturgy of Basil the Great
22:00 Church open
23.30 Midnight Service and Paschal Procession
Sunday 20 April (7 April)
Holy and Great Sunday of Pascha
00:00 Pascha Matins and Divine Liturgy: Acts 1:1-8; John 1:1-17
16:30 Vespers of Pascha: John 20: 19-25
Thursday 24 April (11April)
10:00 Divine Liturgy: Acts 2:38-43; John 3:1-15
Saturday 26 April (13 April)
17:30 Vigil: 1st Gospel, Matthew 28:16-20
Sunday 27 April (14 April)
Second Sunday of Pascha: Antipascha, St. Thomas Sunday
9:30 Hours. 10:00 Divine Liturgy: Acts 5:12-20; John 20:19-31