Information center & bookshop


Table of Contents

Welcome to the webpage of the Orthodox Information Center (Shop) of our church!

In our store we offer various types of Orthodox items.

A graphic impression of the Orthodox Information Center (Shop) in our church

Items in our store

Here is a brief summary of the main items in the shop of our church:

  • Icons
  • Icons of all sorts
  • Cards and small paper icons of saints
  • Crosses
  • Various sizes of larger crosses
  • Silver and non-silver baptismal crosses and necklaces. Also cotton cords.
  • Books
      • Books and brochures (in Dutch, English and Russian) in the following categories:
        • Bibles
        • Commentaries and books on Bible stories
        • Saints and Saints’ Lives
        • Orthodox related topics
        • Books about icons
        • Children’s books and Bibles
  • Other Orthodox articles
    • Blessed oil
    • Candle holders
    • Incense and charcoal, incense burners
    • Prayer ropes
    • Seasonal items, such as Orthodox calendars, at the turn of the year

We regularly have new items in our store!

We also try to keep as many items in stock as possible. Nevertheless, it can sometimes happen that items are sold out. We try to replenish the stock as soon as possible.

Extra service

In the Orthodox Information Center (the shop of our parish), our volunteers can answer simple questions about the Orthodox faith and our church, or they can refer you to a priest.

And at your request, we can:

  • Order items for you
  • Reserve items (maximum for 1 month)
  • Send items to you by mail (in the Netherlands and abroad, at shipping costs).

Practical information

  • Opening hours
    The Orthodox shop is open every Sunday after the Divine Liturgy, following the prayers of thanksgiving. We also aim to open the shop on all Orthodox feast-days on which the Liturgy is celebrated in the church – please inquire with us in advance.
  • Payment methods
    You can pay in our Orthodox shop with cash and by PIN (debit card, credit card).
  • Location of the store
    The shop is located at the front of the church, on the left side of the Holy Altar.
  • Contact
    If you have any questions or requests, you can always ask the administrator: Charley Vos.
    Charley is present in church most Sundays, and can be reached on [email protected]